Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Heart


Ok parents, on Tuesday I challenged you to have a plan of action for leading your family toward God. Today I want to focus on YOU.

You are so important on this journey. BUT let's get one things straight: I know you are not perfect. I sure mess up on a daily basis. That's ok. I get impatient and holler when I shouldn't, I may have a bad attitude, but thank God we have a God who is full of grace and loves us anyway!

Some things I want you to remember along the way:

1. You must have time in the Word to build you up, encourage you, transform your heart. We could not go days without eating before we saw visual results of no food. With no food, our stomach will begin to hurt, we will have no energy, etc. With no time in the Word, we get wore down and we do not have God's strength to fight the battles that come our way. When we are in the Word we have a heavenly perspective.

2. You must have time in prayer. Prayer is two way communication. It is talking and listening. What is it that the Father wants to say to you? Take time to listen.

3. Take some time for yourself. I know this is a hard one. I am a mother. I get it. I know. BUT do all you can to find some time set aside JUST for YOU. Even if it is simply taking a 30 minute bubble bath with no distractions. Make time to simply relax.

4. Get rest. We need our rest. God created us for rest. Without the proper amount of rest, we tend to be a little less full of the energy we need to face what comes at us. Kids are full time, so be sure you get your rest.

"The goal is to be sure that your own heart is so rich so that when you teach your children you can give to them out of your own treasure." ~Sally Clarkson

So, YOUR heart must be rich with the things of God first. We cannot give what we do not have. If we are not doing things to take care of ourselves spiritually, we will not be able to give the things of God like we need to.

What do I model on a daily basis?

Challenge: Ask your children what they think is important to you and see what they say. This will give you a starting point. Remember, you may not like what they say, but they call it like it is.

Helpful Hint: Another thing I would like to say: I do value the time in the Word I have WITHOUT my kids free of distractions, BUT I also strongly feel that they need to SEE me have that time too. For me, I try to balance that out some. Sometimes I do my quite time before they get up and sometimes I do it afterwards. When I do it afterwards, sometimes we all sit at the table and I model for them and show them how to have a quite time.

My 7  year old LOVES to SOAP now. It's a big deal for her to use that Bible Study method. I am amazed at how much she has grown, God is really showing her what she needs to work on. We do not always do it this way. Everyday is somewhat different for us. I have a framework, but lose so we can be free to explore along the way new ways that may fit the personality of my children. As long as they are growing and getting in the Word, it doesn't matter the method. I am a heavy NOTE TAKER, but my husband is not. He remembers things without that, but I need it. I am trying to help my children find what will work for them.

I would like for you to share: What are some ways that you get your children in the Word?


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