Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I wanted to share with you a few things about our home school in case you were interested. I know that other blogs and talking to friends have helped us create what plan works for us in our home.

Our home school name: Kingdom Kids Academy                                                          We are in South Carolina and our accountability group is SCAIHS. We are required to pick a name for our home school. We chose this name because we desire to see our children  have a Kingdom mentality. We desire that all they put their mind to will be for the benefit of the Kingdom of God and for the glory of God.

Why do we home school?                                                                                                            We home school because we desire for our children to learn from a Biblical Worldview. We desire to have a tight family unit. We want to also have time to train them in their gifts and talents so that they are ready and able to minister for the Lord in any way He desires to use them. With these reasons in mind, we knew that public school nor Christian school were an option for our family.

Will we always home school?                                                                                                        I LOVE homeschooling our children. My husband LOVES that I home school our children. It is a great fit for our family, but I cannot say for sure. (this sounds like it sort of contradicts the last point, but bear with me). The reason I say that is because my greatest desire is to obey God with every aspect of my life. In order to do that I cannot write my own story. HE has to write it. I learned a long time ago to never say never, because sometimes those are the very things you end up doing. I said I would NEVER home school until about year and a half before my daughter was to start school.

Is homeschooling hard?                                                                                                           YES, it is hard. We have really great days and we have some pretty tough days. BUT what in life isn't this way? Everybody has great days and tough days. I would trade nothing in the world for the days that I have with my children. It is often hard because there is very little time for me to breathe between wife, mommy, home, home school duties (not to mention, I am a children's minster). But I am joyful because I am in the middle of God's will for my life. I wouldn't be happy doing anything else! He is the One who breathes His strength into me each and every day.

**You may not home school and you are reading this post today, I want to encourage you: home school may not be an option for your family for many reasons. That is ok. You have to do what you feel is right for your family. My biggest challenge to ALL families, homeschooling or not: have a plan. I know you are tired of hearing it, but with no plan you really do not go anywhere. How will you help lead your family to Jesus? How do you plan to help them grow up to be disciples of Christ.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

~On Tuesday I will be talking a little more about vision.




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