Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Day

I am not doing a formal post today because I know I do not take the time to read posts on Thanksgiving. It is just too busy and I want to enjoy every second I have with family.

I hope that you are blessed today as you spend time with family and friends.

From my family to yours: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Importance of Vision

"Vision is a plan or a dream for the future." ~ Mark Harper

Do you have a vision or a dream for your family?

I am not talking about you picking in detail what your child will be or do when they grow up. I mean a vision or a dream in how they will present themselves, the type of character you hope to instill in them, etc.

We as parents have a part to play ~ a BIG part to play. We must think with the future in mind. EVERYTHING we do NOW matters and counts. It helps to shape and mold who our children will be when they grow up.

You see, we are the grown ups in the house. Children do not fully grasp what things will be like as they get older. They don't understand that if they are lazy, they will not be able to hold down a job, etc. That's why we are here to help our children with these tendencies.

I think what makes our job even harder is the fact that we are such imperfect beings as parents trying to help train a child. That is why it is super important to have time with the Lord so that He can breathe His very strength into us and help guide us in how we should train our children.

"Our vision must be a heavenly vision." ~ Mark Harper

Our vision for our family should not be for the glory of man. It should be for the glory of God. Our vision should not be just about us. Jesus was about other people and if we are going to have a heavenly vision that comes from God, then it must be about others.

"He must become greater, I must become less." John 3:30 (NIV)

I desire to see my children have a rock solid faith, an active relationship with Christ where they are gaining fresh revelation from His Word daily. I desire to see Christ be their all in al. I desire to see them treat others with respect and know that they are subject to being wrong. I want them to look out for the needs of others before their own. I want them to see a need and choose to do something about it and not just think or talk about it ~ do it. I want to see them decline the job promotion if God tells them no even if it would benefit their wallet. I want them to know God and make Him known. I'm not concerned about what particular job they choose to take if they are following what God has for them. I want them to know they are walking in obedience. They will then experience the joy and freedom that brings.

My challenge to you: What is the vision you have for your family? Have you and your spouse talked about it? What are you doing about it? Are you ACTIVELY working towards instilling your family values in your children? Is your vision a heavenly vision or for selfish gain? Write it down. Take one step at a time.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18

Perish means to destroy or ruin. We must have a vision and not just kind of feel our way through life when it comes to spiritual things. The world (Satan) has a plan and his plan is to do all he can to lead our children away from God. We have to be proactive, parents. There is no time like the present ~

if  not...

our children may be successful in the world's eye, but be in ruin when it comes to the spiritual. In our relationship with God it is through obedience to Him that we find TRUE joy and freedom.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I wanted to share with you a few things about our home school in case you were interested. I know that other blogs and talking to friends have helped us create what plan works for us in our home.

Our home school name: Kingdom Kids Academy                                                          We are in South Carolina and our accountability group is SCAIHS. We are required to pick a name for our home school. We chose this name because we desire to see our children  have a Kingdom mentality. We desire that all they put their mind to will be for the benefit of the Kingdom of God and for the glory of God.

Why do we home school?                                                                                                            We home school because we desire for our children to learn from a Biblical Worldview. We desire to have a tight family unit. We want to also have time to train them in their gifts and talents so that they are ready and able to minister for the Lord in any way He desires to use them. With these reasons in mind, we knew that public school nor Christian school were an option for our family.

Will we always home school?                                                                                                        I LOVE homeschooling our children. My husband LOVES that I home school our children. It is a great fit for our family, but I cannot say for sure. (this sounds like it sort of contradicts the last point, but bear with me). The reason I say that is because my greatest desire is to obey God with every aspect of my life. In order to do that I cannot write my own story. HE has to write it. I learned a long time ago to never say never, because sometimes those are the very things you end up doing. I said I would NEVER home school until about year and a half before my daughter was to start school.

Is homeschooling hard?                                                                                                           YES, it is hard. We have really great days and we have some pretty tough days. BUT what in life isn't this way? Everybody has great days and tough days. I would trade nothing in the world for the days that I have with my children. It is often hard because there is very little time for me to breathe between wife, mommy, home, home school duties (not to mention, I am a children's minster). But I am joyful because I am in the middle of God's will for my life. I wouldn't be happy doing anything else! He is the One who breathes His strength into me each and every day.

**You may not home school and you are reading this post today, I want to encourage you: home school may not be an option for your family for many reasons. That is ok. You have to do what you feel is right for your family. My biggest challenge to ALL families, homeschooling or not: have a plan. I know you are tired of hearing it, but with no plan you really do not go anywhere. How will you help lead your family to Jesus? How do you plan to help them grow up to be disciples of Christ.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

~On Tuesday I will be talking a little more about vision.




Monday, November 18, 2013

Break Time

We are officially on the countdown until our home school break. I am excited for several reasons:

  • We get a BREAK! I am in much need of a break and so are the kids. We are apart of Classical Conversations and we are in our last week before Christmas break as well. We will have a couple more weeks of music, but that is ok.

  • I LOVE this time of year and I like to have time to help my children really focus on the meaning of Christmas. We will do many little fun outings and we will read Christmas books to focus on the real meaning of Christmas. We do our advent study during this time. We also do a countdown until Christ's birthday. We will also have a Birthday party for Jesus. Last year the children decided they wanted cookies and no cake. (I am ok with that because I never chose cakes for my birthday cake, I chose apple pie!)

  • We have chosen to take a long break because this time of year can get busy and stressful. I desire for my family to make memories and peaceful memories. NOT memories where mama was running around all crazy. Well~ that last part still happens, but not as bad.

I will share with you what we do as a family through the Christmas holidays. We seem to do "a lot" of different things as we focus on Christ. I am sure you will think how in the world does she do all that?!? But we break it up through the day and since we are NOT doing school it is doable. And we do not always finish everything. We try our best, but we are human and not perfect ~ trying to be real here.

The things we do is an intentional effort to help my children stay focused on the real meaning of Christmas. It is hard for us adults. We love the sights and sounds of Christmas. Don't get me wrong, my children LOVE watching Hallmark movies with Santa. We do not do Santa in our home ~ that's a story for another time. Nothing against Santa ~ we just choose to focus on Christ. This helps to keep us as a family intentional about the holiday. I feel that with so many voices screaming at us to focus on gifts and Santa, we have to be intentional or we will get lost in the fun part and really never focus on the real reason for the season.

Disclaimer: We still leave out cookies and milk for Santa. My daughter knows it's mama and daddy, but it's fun for us and them. AND I do have pictures of my children with Santa each year (unless we just couldn't get them to sit in his lap). We will continue to do that until they do not want to.

My challenge to you as you are approaching the holiday season: How will you be intentional this Christmas season? Do you have a plan? Give yourself a break: doing something is better than nothing. You do not have to do it all. Ask God to direct you to the resources He wants you to use this Christmas season in your home.

*I forgot to mention: Our home school break starts Friday and we will resume a few days after the New Year, depending on what day Daddy goes back to work. We did start in June.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Heart


Ok parents, on Tuesday I challenged you to have a plan of action for leading your family toward God. Today I want to focus on YOU.

You are so important on this journey. BUT let's get one things straight: I know you are not perfect. I sure mess up on a daily basis. That's ok. I get impatient and holler when I shouldn't, I may have a bad attitude, but thank God we have a God who is full of grace and loves us anyway!

Some things I want you to remember along the way:

1. You must have time in the Word to build you up, encourage you, transform your heart. We could not go days without eating before we saw visual results of no food. With no food, our stomach will begin to hurt, we will have no energy, etc. With no time in the Word, we get wore down and we do not have God's strength to fight the battles that come our way. When we are in the Word we have a heavenly perspective.

2. You must have time in prayer. Prayer is two way communication. It is talking and listening. What is it that the Father wants to say to you? Take time to listen.

3. Take some time for yourself. I know this is a hard one. I am a mother. I get it. I know. BUT do all you can to find some time set aside JUST for YOU. Even if it is simply taking a 30 minute bubble bath with no distractions. Make time to simply relax.

4. Get rest. We need our rest. God created us for rest. Without the proper amount of rest, we tend to be a little less full of the energy we need to face what comes at us. Kids are full time, so be sure you get your rest.

"The goal is to be sure that your own heart is so rich so that when you teach your children you can give to them out of your own treasure." ~Sally Clarkson

So, YOUR heart must be rich with the things of God first. We cannot give what we do not have. If we are not doing things to take care of ourselves spiritually, we will not be able to give the things of God like we need to.

What do I model on a daily basis?

Challenge: Ask your children what they think is important to you and see what they say. This will give you a starting point. Remember, you may not like what they say, but they call it like it is.

Helpful Hint: Another thing I would like to say: I do value the time in the Word I have WITHOUT my kids free of distractions, BUT I also strongly feel that they need to SEE me have that time too. For me, I try to balance that out some. Sometimes I do my quite time before they get up and sometimes I do it afterwards. When I do it afterwards, sometimes we all sit at the table and I model for them and show them how to have a quite time.

My 7  year old LOVES to SOAP now. It's a big deal for her to use that Bible Study method. I am amazed at how much she has grown, God is really showing her what she needs to work on. We do not always do it this way. Everyday is somewhat different for us. I have a framework, but lose so we can be free to explore along the way new ways that may fit the personality of my children. As long as they are growing and getting in the Word, it doesn't matter the method. I am a heavy NOTE TAKER, but my husband is not. He remembers things without that, but I need it. I am trying to help my children find what will work for them.

I would like for you to share: What are some ways that you get your children in the Word?


Monday, November 11, 2013

Do you Have a Plan?

Today I want to challenge each family to have a plan of action.

  • What is your plan of action that will help grow your family toward God?

  • How will you be intentional about showing your children the way to Jesus?

  • What will you do?

  • What is the vision for your family?

  • Where do you want to see your family spiritually in 1 year, 5 years, 20 years?

Think with the future in mind. The only way you can really be intentional is to have a plan. You need to lay some foundation stones in your home that will ensure that you and your family grow toward Jesus each day, one day at a time.

"The kingdom life at home is a life centered on a relationship with God, an awareness of his presence, and love in the smallest details of family." ~Sally Clarkson

"It's a way of life that is in celebration of who Christ is." ~Sally Clarkson

How do we plan to see our home centered on Christ?

We must have regular family devotions, prayer, set aside time for worship, we must serve together, etc. We have to be intentional about these things. The things we value are the very things our children will one day value. What will that be?

For me, I would rather it be the things of God ~ the things that are eternal.

Remember, there is no need to be overwhelmed with what you are or what you are not doing. Just start somewhere and God will meet you where you are. I will be sharing many more ideas as the blog grows.

Challenge: I would also like to challenge you as we are nearing Thanksgiving: if you do not do this on a regular basis, start now. It is NEVER too late. BUT start a gratitude journal. Each family member should participate and then on Thanksgiving Day read all the things your family has listed that they are thankful for. THEN, put them in a binder with dates on them so you can look back each year at all the things God has blessed you with. This is a good place to go back and be encouraged when life gets tough.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Moms as Leaders

Leadership is the ability to influence others. I know many people would not think of themselves as a leader, but if you are influencing others, you are, in fact, a leader. Parents are leaders!

With that thought in mind: who am leading and where am I leading them?

If you are a parent, you probably had little to no training before your little came along. You may have had a class to inform you on the delivery process, but no one ever sat you down and told you how to train your little sweet bundle of joy SPIRITUALLY. In fact, many of us had our children and thought we were ready for the challenge to only realize we weren't as ready as we thought.

This parenting thing is the HARDEST thing I have ever done! Let me repeat: THE HARDEST thing I have ever done!

I just thought my college paper was hard, but boy was I wrong?!?

So, if you would like more ideas on how to lead your children to Jesus, you are in the right place. My desire is to encourage you and help you along the way as you seek to "grow your family God's way."

DISCLAIMER: I am just another mom who loves Jesus, but desires to share with you ideas that might just fit your family. I do know that what works for one family will not always work for another. That is where you have to stop and say: "Lord, that was a really good suggestion or idea, but how do you want me to implement that into your family?" By the time God takes that idea and makes it to fit you and the plan He has for you and your family, it may look totally different!

But know one thing: you will find contentment when you are following God's plan for your life and not just "copying" what you read and hear that everyone else is doing. It is great to read and get ideas: I do, but we have to filter it and know if it is for us or not.

Rock on, Mom! You are doing a fabulous job! God is smiling on you today!






Monday, November 4, 2013

How to Beat the Greedies

We live in a world where more is better. We get the latest gadget just to be bombarded with a new later version a few months later.

This holiday season, how can we try to "beat the greedies" that so easily overtake us?

I have found that sometimes "less is more" when we are following God. Who needs all the extra "stuff" hindering us from our mission with Christ? The more we have, the more we have to maintain.

As the commercials start to gear up this month, we may have to turn our head or simply turn off the television. It is hard to stay focused on Christ and the mission He has for us when we are constantly having the world scream at us something completely opposite.

Even when things are not looking like we want them to, we need to

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."                   1 Thessalonians 5:18

Ways to "Beat the Greedies:"

1. Stay in God's Word.

2. Memorize Scriptures that remind us we have all we need in Christ.

3. Meditate on the Word.

4. Make a gratitude journal. List things that you are thankful for each day and keep it visible so when you feel that you lack something, you can look at it and realize how truly blessed you are.

*Remember that this is a tough time of year for our children as well. We may need to help them stay focused by doing these things with them as well.

If you are looking for a place to get started, Good Morning Girls has an awesome Thanksgiving study starting November 11th. Everything is FREE. If you have never done a Good Morning Girls study, this is a good time to try one. It only last for 2 weeks and then after a short break we will head into our Christmas Advent study.

Good Morning Girls Thanksgiving Study

Friday, November 1, 2013

Growing Deep Roots

How in the world does a tree stand so tall and beautiful?

The bigger the tree, the deeper the roots. The smaller the tree, the more shallow the roots.

If we as Christians grow deep strong roots, there is a smaller chance we will bend or break in the midst of trial.

How to Grow Strong Roots:

1. You MUST have a daily intake of the Word.

2. You MUST pray. Prayer is two way communication: talking AND listening.

3. You MUST commit to follow God's Word. There are some things in the Bible that we are commanded to do ~ these are non-negotiable. There's other things that are not mentioned directly or at all. In these areas, we have to pray and discern the will of God for our lives in this particular area. This will look different for each person and family.

4. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and make you a better person in Christ.

When we do these things we are helping to build strong roots. If your desire is to have a strong family, you need to be in the Word of God and following the commands of the Father.

In the near future, we will be talking about how to make a spiritual plan for YOUR family.

For now, we may be focusing more on keeping our focus during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season. We are approaching that busy time of year.

A New Adventure

I have officially started my new site with my own domain name. YIKES!!

I have blogged off and on the last several years and never launched into my own personal site. BUT here I am! I hope you will follow me on this new adventure. It is my hope you will be encouraged as a family and learn to do life God's way!

This is certainly a faith walk. I have had the desire to provide a resource for parents for a long time. If there is any area you would like to know more about or resources that would be helpful to you, please let me know.